Tag Archives: Food

Dog Food Allergies And Your Dog

You could ask, “how is it that a dog is allergic to the very food that is “designed” to sustain them? The answer is: he is not… really. He is allergic to all the unnatural substances that man has decided to dump into this food.

Critical food ingredients to avoid giving dogs — because they initiate hypersensitivity in the body are: WHEAT (gluten), CORN (gluten), SOY, and DAIRY products. They are used in pet foods because they are cheap forms of protein that can help bolster the manufacturer’s label claims. But, because these products can cause such strong negative reactions in our pets, the results of food allergy testing could actually create FALSE allergy readings.

Food pollutants that compound the allergic response in the pet’s body are: bacteria, heavy metals (in water), pesticides, drugs, artificial hormones, preservatives and other chemicals. These accumulated in the FAT and SKIN of the chicken or turkey. The average dog today isn’t eating like his ancestors did in the wild, where the food consumed was fresh, unprocessed meat, organs and bones and some green vegetable matter. In fresh form, meat and bones are comprised of 70% water, assisting the acid-alkaline balance of a carnivore’s digestive system.

The vast majority of today’s commercial pet food brands are owned by huge conglomerates, such as Mars (candy), Nestles (candy), Colgate Palmolive (soap), Proctor and Gamble (soap). Big business has found a real “cash cow” in the byproducts (aka, discards) of man’s agricultural and food industries.

Now, there are some good packaged natural foods available for our pets, but you have to look for them. And, the BARF Diet (bones and raw food) is also a way to go. A consumer really needs to do his research, read publications… and, above all, read the pet food ingredient labels and learn what each ingredient actually is. This is not always as obvious as it may appear.

Although I do hear of pets being allergic to chicken and other foods, in reality most dogs are actually allergic to the artificial and unnatural substances being added to commercial dog foods. That’s why it’s extremely important to be aware of what your dog food consists of and to make sure that you supplement any diet with a good quality dog vitamin supplement because there is no dog food alone that can supply your dog with all the nutrients he or she really needs.

Foods You Can Eat On The Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet is a healthy diet that consists of uncooked and unprocessed plant foods. It can be used to improve digestion, increase energy, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve the skin’s appearance or to lose weight fast. When food is heated above 116 degrees F important enzymes are believed to be destroyed. These enzymes help in the digestion and the absorption of foods. Cooked foods also lose their nutritional value and their life force of energy.

Raw food diets contain lower amounts of saturated fat, trans fats and sodium compared to regular diets. They also contain high amounts of magnesium, fiber, potassium and phytochemicals that help promote health. Choosing to switch to the raw food diet can lower the chances of developing not only heart disease, but also cancer and diabetes.

Foods that are acceptable to eat on the raw food diet are:
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Young coconut milk
Purified water
Unprocessed natural or organic foods
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices

These foods should be unprocessed with 75% of the foods consumed not heated over 115 degrees F. Certain cooking methods can be used to make foods digest easier and add some diversity to the diet. Dehydrating food is one cooking technique that can be used as well as blending foods, soaking dried fruits and nuts, juicing vegetables and fruits and choosing sprouting grains, beans and seeds. Having a blender, chopper and food processor can help save time when preparing foods. Another useful piece of equipment that is handy to have when on the raw food diet is a dehydrator. This machine blows air through the food while maintaining a temperature below 116 degrees F. Having a juice extractor also is useful for juicing vegetables and fruits.

When first beginning this diet, some individuals go through a detoxification period. This is especially true for individuals who are accustomed to eating diets rich in sugar, meat and caffeine. Although symptoms usually only last for a few days these symptoms include nausea, food cravings and headaches. Individuals should check with their physicians before starting this diet. Those who have anemia, osteoporosis, are pregnant or nursing as well as children may be advised that this diet is not appropriate for them. Those who are successful at maintaining this diet experience increases in energy levels and often lose weight fast as well as benefit from over-all better health.